
Expanding Your Network of Contacts and Connections

Technology can help us connect with new and existing donors around the world! We have the ability to easily communicate with new audiences, sharing impact statements, testimonials, and case studies. This broad sharing of information is essential to successful fundraising!

I led a strategy session this weekend with a board of directors eager to help spread the word about the wonderful work of the organization they were serving. They were excited about talking about the impact that they were helping to create in the world. The question was, "How do we move past our inner circle of friends and family and connect with more people that have a passion for the mission?"

When we get stuck on who to reach out to next, this simple exercise can help us get out of our own way!

Often when we begin to explore who might be new connections for our organization, we start to insert assumptions. "I will be bothering them." or "They don't have the capacity to give." and my favorite..."I don't know what to say!"

Sharing your "WHY" is the best way to attract individuals, businesses, and organizations that also have a passion for your mission. Your excitement about the impact that you are creating through your work with your organization is the catalyst for others to get involved.

I've created an easy tool-kit to help you to:

  1. Connect with your why.
  2. Identify new people in your network to share your why with.

Your social media platforms become your podium. You get to use your platforms to share with the world the impact you are helping to create! Don't you feel fortunate to be involved with such an amazing cause? Isn't it exciting to share this opportunity with others?

Click HERE to download the Communication Strategies Tool-Kit: Activate Your Network Through Key-Messaging.

Happy Connecting!